Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cheesy Fourth of July

Yesterday was the big ol' Fourth of July. My family and I went to the baseball game (only to watch them lose) but then, there were fireworks. I didn't Ooh and Aah along with everybody else, like I do every other year . As the stadium lights dimmed, and the fireworks started exploding in the air, my mind went back to Uganda, for the ten-billionth time since we got back to Kansas. First, I wonder how they would react to all the fireworks. I don't know this for sure, but unless they do like homeade fireworks or something, they would probably be scared at first of all the big lights and big booms!!! But then I wondered, if they felt the same freedom that I did. This sounds so cheesy right now, but it really made me proud to be an American. It reminded me of all that I take for granted every day. Cheesy? Yes. Corny? Yes. True? Absolutely.

1 comment:

Luke and Gene said...

Hey Tater Tot,
I have been reading your blog. I have been reading everyone's blog. I can't seem to leave there either in my mind. I just wanted to post a comment here on this post as I was thinking the exact same thing during our fireworks here in Naperville, IL. I was wondering in my mind, what would the people of Africa think of all these fireworks. Just thought I would let you know - I am right there with you.
